I talked with my mom this morning who told me my brother is arguing with my aunt. I got into a “discussion” with my brother last week. There have been at least four or five arguments in my family within the last week. With the holidays around the corner and a new decade ahead, there are so many reasons to feel overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed, out of sorts, lonely, angry and frustrated. Those who have our same last name and who know our buttons will definitely be reminding you of all that and more! If you’re not living a life of purpose and support, this feeling can be even worse. I’ve noticed that if I didn’t know how to handle my own stress and anxiety stay healthy during the holidays, I’d be a total mess and a half.
The truth is you could ignore it and just continue accommodating everyone around you. But then you’d likely get headaches or tension in your body, like in your digestive track or neck and shoulders.
You’ll binge eat and say, “it’s okay. It’s the holiday,” choosing cookies over carrots. Or you could do the opposite and not eat. When I witness folks choosing crazy amounts of sugar in place of healthier, more nourishing foods, I tend to feel that they’re needing more sweetness in their lives. Whenever I ask if they are… the answer is yes.
Three Steps to Staying Stress-Free and Healthy During the Holidays
Be mindful about food. I know we think that because it’s the holidays, we “should” be allowed to over indulge on ginger snaps, chocolate, eggnog, etc. It’s all around us. Even at studios where I teach Pilates or in the PE department at the college I teach at, there are unhealthy foods everywhere this time of year. I don’t think you need to avoid unhealthy eating completely especially if it brings you pleasure, HOWEVER, if you tend to binge food—or swallow down emotions—or need to take better care of your body…. try this:
*Make veggies and protein the rock stars of the meal
*Limit your alcohol intake (i.e., 1, not 2 to 5)
*Make sure you’re exercising, especially the day after you eat holiday meals
*Use a smaller plate
*Try not to go for seconds
*Eat slowly
*Enjoy every bite
*Eat seasonally
*Stop when you’re full
Fall and winter are a great time to eat warmer and more cozy foods. Spices like cinnamon, cumin, curry, cayenne and ginger are great during this time to wake up the digestive fires.
Relationships. Every family member has an expectation of what they need and want during the holidays. If you’re anything like me, you simply want to have a peaceful time and find something to eat that you’re not allergic to. For example, I was vegan for years and parts of my family believed that chicken broth was okay for that diet. LOL. Needless to say, our diets and understandings are different. This can be difficult to navigate if your family can’t agree on where to celebrate and how to gift give. One of the secrets of survival with family is to compromise and to make sure that you’re taking space when you need it. Yes, make healthy and lovingly assertive boundaries. Please see my blog on Women Need Healthy Relationship Boundaries to help you with this. Space, even a short walk, can be a lifesaver during stressful moments. Also, try to be around people, especially friends you love and feel safe around. Being only around button pushers isn’t helpful for your sense of well being.
Self-care. Boundaries are a form of self care, but really taking time to reflect and be in silence at times is crucial. I work with hundreds of people per week. It can be very tiring for me if I’m not taking space and time to reflect and take care of myself. Every day, I have a ritual I do to help me with my mindset and with helping my body be in optimal alignment. If I don’t do these things daily—sometimes twice per day—I would likely be more attuned to fear than to victory.
There’s so much pressure to be happy during the holidays and to be in relationship (more on this in a later post), to lose weight and be something or someone we’re not. So many women overwork, binge eat or starve themselves, obsess about how to be the perfect mom, grandma or partner, bombard themselves with crazy amounts of information and literally take no action to step into their sense of glow or their power. We’re a hallmark, Internet, disconnected culture.
Most of us keep saying yes to others’ perceptions and desires of us versus saying yes to our own desires.
Isn’t it time to say yes to yourself?
I think so too…
Let’s begin and dive into where you’re stuck and what’s holding you back from passion in your relationship and work life. From there, if I can help you get the outcome you want, I’ll tell you how. If not, I’ll make some suggestions on how to get there.
The price for the call is free…
However, you must be ready to take consistent action.
Committed to finally moving toward your desires.
Are you done researching on Google and feel ready to be coachable from an expert who has been there before you? Do you really want to stay healthy during the holidays and move into 2020 with grace, contentment and joy?
If this sounds like you, sign up here for your free call here.
Talk soon, and stay happy and healthy during holidays!