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Check Out My Guest Blog Post


Happy that in September I was a guess blogger! It's about how to prioritize self-love, authenticity and personal boundaries and how these can rejuvenate your life, relationships and creativity. Here's the article:

Written by Leslie Porter

Holistic Health & Wellness Coach

IG: @leslie.porter.111

Women thrive on their sexual and playful nature. Without it, they are depleted, unhealthy mentally and physically, and their relationships suffer. I learned this the hard way:

When I was in my 20s, I was dating a gorgeous and well-known artist/writer, whom our couple’s therapist said was a diagnosed Narcissist. Even my OB/GYN told me that my vagina hated him; (I was always getting infections).

Although I was also an artist, there was only room for one “artist” in our partnership, and that was him. As I look back at my past self of 17 years ago, I realize how much I had lost myself in him.

I lived his way. I had sex his way. I supported his dreams. I ate his way. I cooked what he liked. I thought he knew more than I did even though I was already a very successful yoga, Pilates and meditation teacher and college Professor in LA making a better living than him.

I stayed with him for years. Sex wasn’t fun. He put me down often and I accepted it as fact.

It took everything I had to leave him and not go back. After I left, I felt like I had been in a terrible car wreck. With the help of my best friend, my resilience, and time, I HAD TO CHOOSE to get out of the prison that I CREATED.

I needed to choose to live my way, to have sex my way, to date someone who was good and kind. I had to ask myself: What does your body and heart truly want and feel? What do you like to eat? What are my dreams?

I had to find my way back to the truth, my heart, and myself. Each day, I did this my inner glow and sexy came back bit by bit. I was a walking radiant Goddess who followed her own rules and stopped accommodating. (I’m an introvert so this was radiating from the inside out).

I threw out all the granny underwear. I threw out clothes that didn’t make me feel alive. I deleted clutter and toxic people and items, including junk food.

More than anything I made a commitment to choose myself. Even today, I take moments to reevaluate the balance in each part of my life.

Women, myself included, thrive in their sexy, heart, feminine, intuitive nature. Without it, our health, relationships, and creativity are doomed.

Your inner sexy is likely lying dormant. You may not even realize it. A lot of women have told me they’ve had similar experiences.

Inner sexy does not mean you have to show more skin (though you can if you choose), use a jade egg or saying yes when you really want to say no.

It’s about trusting your heart and truth, saying no when you need to, being present and kind, not competing with other people who have what you want in life, following your rules, asking for help when you need it, taking care of your body temple, honoring all parts of your experience, not becoming a zombie to other people’s rules and expectations of you… and/or heartless in this crazy world.

You, your body, your heart, your mind and spirit are worth it.

I believe in you… If there’s a choice… choose you, play, and your inner glow. You’ve got this!

The beta GROUP version of The Holistic Lifestyle Method Starts SOON... I'm seeking 5 heart centered business professionals who need help with balanced nutrition, sleep and anxiety...

Email for more details.

In Pleasure,


Founder of The Holistic Lifestyle Method

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